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Interlude Buff Master 40000

+++ v3 Features +++
- Add buff 'Wind Walk'.
- Removed Option 'Cancel Buffs' (sorry, but i really don't know how to make it work).
- Fixed '__init__.py'.
- Removed '$py.class' files.
- Fixed Client Side Errors (wrong buff names).

*** This NPCBuffer don't work with Oneo's Serverpacks. ***

+++ How to Install +++
1. Extract the file that you downloaded inside your Server folder (Default C:\Server).
2. Open your Navicat or another SQL Browser.
3. Execute batch file with the file npc.sql.

+++ Npc Id +++
Buff Master: 40000

+++ Don't Work? +++
1. Open file gameserver\config\options.properties
2. Find and verify if AltDevNoQuests = False :

# Don't load quests
AltDevNoQuests = False
# Don't load spawntable
AltDevNoSpawns = False

3. Open folder gameserver\data\jscript and delete the file __init__$py.class
4. Open folder gameserver\data\jscript\quests and delete the file __init__$py.class
5. Open folder gameserver\data\jscript\quests\9999_NPCBuffer and delete the file __init__$py.class
6. Restart or just start your server.

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